Thomas Lundgren


This site is mainly in Swedish. Why? I’m from Sweden, I speak mainly Swedish, my friends are mainly from Sweden and I’m far better writing in Swedish than English.

This site is about my life, what I like, what I’ve done and me. I’ve mainly created this to help friends find me, learn a little bit about me and inform and encourage people to do what I’ve done and like.

I’m Thomas Lundgren. I’m borne in June 1970. I´m the owner of a small consulting firm with the name Questate. My main interest is sailing and I own a 53-foot sailing yacht together with a friend that we sail from Sweden to Denmark, Norway, Shetland, Scotland and we will sail even more far away.

If you wish any more information about me - please contact me in a way that suites you below;


Thomas +46-733-31 22 00


Please observe that you manually have to replace the text "_dot_" with a singel . (dot) in the addresses below before sending any e-mail to these addresses.

thomas@lundgren dot nu
thomas@questate dot com

Other ways...

Se also my Swedish Contact-page for other ways to get in contact with me.

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Ändrad: 2011-02-08 13:26 / Visad: 16087 gånger.